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Empire by Fergal Downes: An Empire Live Review [Scam or Legit]

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  • Post last modified:May 19, 2020

Welcome to Fergal Downes Empire Review.

Recently a new launch program called “Empire Live by Fergal Downes” become popular to the newbies due to its very low subscription cost. It’s only $2, anyone can pay the amount anytime, it’s not a big deal at all.

But, caution! It’s always better to check the value of a program before jump in, and I guess you are doing so. That’s why you’re here reading this Empire Live review.

If you are looking to join Fergal Downes Empire, it’s fine, because only $2 is not a big deal; but one thing I’d like to mention:

“Before having prior knowledge about any online program, I suggest you not to share your credit card information with the platform, because for only $1-2 subscription fee you may cost a huge recurring fee later.”

If you are a newbie, I suggest, you may join a platform that offers completely free subscription, which means NO need to share your credit card information. You can join such platforms completely worry-free.

Anyway, let’s explore the program for which you are here today, Empire by Fergal Downes.

Product Name: Empire 

Website: Click Here

Price of the Product: $2 for first 14 days, then $37/month

Owner: Fergal Downes

Summary: Empire offers a 3 step course that helps you earn more than $186 a day with free traffic by spending just 30 minutes per day (*as per the claim of the owner).

Our Rating: 30 out of 100

Recommendation: NO

What is Empire Live about?

All over the internet, there are thousands of online courses that claim to help you make money online. Empire live is just another one that was launched by Fergal Downes, where you’ll learn the free strategies to leverage your conversion (sell).

This is a 3 modules course that mainly teaches you free traffic methods, which means they show you how to make a huge revenue without spending any money on advertisements.

It’s great news up to this point; I am also a fan of the free traffic methods. In fact, I personally implement several tricks to drive free organic traffic to my websites, and all I learned from an Evergreen Platform.

So, I am happy that Fergal Downes is teaching you the free traffic in his Empire Live platform; but two questions arise…

  1. Will you learn something effective or new tricks?
  2. Will you really get success by following the Empire’s methods?

I’ll give you all the answers. First, let you introduce Fergal.

Who is Fregal Downes?

Empire by Fergal Downes is a platform that you become aware of recently.

But do you know, Empire is the second platform launch by Fergal Downes? Do you know he already launched another platform in the recent past that is dead now?

Probably these things are out of your knowledge.

Empire by Fergal Downes

Fergal Downes started his online marketing carrier in 2008 and started with SEO techniques, but he failed and end up with no money in 2012 (I guess either he learned from a wrong platform, or he tried SEO without any prior knowledge).

Later on 2016-17 he tried dropshipping and failed again (I don’t know why he failed, but there are tons of people getting success in the dropshipping business model, even I’m personally one of them).

Finally, he came back to affiliate marketing and probably followed some free traffic tricks and got some success. Later he decided to sell those tricks to his first launch “24 Hour Profits“, and the platform was hosted on Warrior Plus.

The platform 24 hour Profits didn’t last long, but Fergal wrapped it up within 1 year making his profit and launched Empire Live in 2020.

I understand, there are many “WHY” in your mind at this stage.

No hurry; I’ll give you a full explanation with step-by-step demonstrations, so that you can realize whether Empire Live is the right place for you or not.

So, keep reading.

How does Empire Live work?

Firstly let you get knowledgeable about the list of materials and tools you’ll get there inside Empire live.

The free traffic method course inside Empire is mainly based on Facebook marketing. In addition, there are some other stuff such as funnel creation, landing page, e-mail marketing strategies, etc.

Empire is a three-module training course. Once you subscribe to the system with $2 or $1 (it’s their last call), you’ll have access to only one module.

The first module will teach you mainly about the general overviews of getting paid, creating a Facebook page and group, joining other’s groups, adding friends, engaging friends, Landing page, PM via your mobile, 1000 sales formula, etc.

Empire by Fergal Downes: Module 1

You can access the second module after 14 days, that means when your $2 trial period ends. Simply you have to upgrade yourself to $37/month plan to access module 2.

Empire by Fergal Downes: Module 2 is locked
Empire by Fergal Downes: Module 2 remains locked for 14 days


One thing worth mentioning here: When you subscribe for the first time they’ll have your credit card details, so after 14 days the amount will be auto-debited from your account unless you stop the subscription.

In a similar way, you can upgrade to the module 3 after another 14 days where you’ll experience some upsells.

Inside Empire Live you’ll get a monthly live coaching call from the owner Fergal Downes. It’s definitely a good side that the owner is not hiding like several other programs; he really tries to help the members and also asks everyone to help others.

Finally, you’ll get an option to promote the platform as an affiliate. Unlike several other Clickbank products you can’t become an Empire affiliate without Fergal’s permission, and Fergal permit’s to promote his product only when you become a member of Empire Live.

As an affiliate, you can earn up to 75% commission selling Empire Live. That means you are using Fergal’s free methods to promote his own product (though you may promote other products also).

Empire by Fergal Downes: Things I like

The pros and cons section will help you to judge the program in a specific way. First I’d like to show you a list of positives associated with the platform.

The methods work

I must mention, Facebook marketing strategy, funnels, and Landing pages are the methods that work.

However, none of these is something new, affiliate marketers use these methods for a long time. Fergal just represented the method in a polished way in his Empire platform.

Owner takes care of the Members

Fergal Downes is a polite person, and he definitely cares for the members of his platform. He also set a monthly meeting session with the members and comes with upgraded strategies every time. In the past, he even transferred the members to the Empire from his old platform 24 hour Profits before the program shut down.

So, definitely it’s a good side. You’ll get several Clickbank programs where the owners are hiding behind, but Empire Live is not like those scams.

Affiliate program

Only Empire members are eligible to promote the platform. So, as a member, you have an opportunity to earn affiliate revenue selling the platform. The start-up fee is only $2 dollars, so, many people are ready to join the program, and you’ll earn big when someone under you pays the monthly recurring fees.

Empire by Fergal Downes: Things I don’t like

I strongly suggest you should read the following part very sincerely. Because of the following partis the decision-maker, whether you join Empire Live or not.

False Claim: Earning $128+ per day as a beginner

Whatever the method you’ll learn inside Empire Live, you can’t earn $128+ per day as a beginner. This is a totally false claim by the owner. You can make money only when you have a big network. As a newbie, I don’t think you already have a lot of Facebook friends to sell your products. So, you have a ZERO (0) chance to earn $128+ as a newbie.

Need a huge network of similar mentality

This is also similar to the above-mentioned point. I stress on this particular point because Fergal’s free methods are all based on “spreading the news into a huge audience”.

If you don’t have enough audience, who is gonna purchase your product?

So, first of all, you have to create a list of at least 5000 audiences who are interested in the products that you are going to promote. That means, you have to grow up your Facebook friend list up to 5K minimum. And, this is never an easy job. If it was so easy then everyone would have been purchase Empire for only $2 to make $6K+ per month (~ $128 x 30).

Hidden upsells

You already know about your monthly charges ($37) after 14 days. So, I’m not going to include monthly recurring in the least of hidden upsells.

Quality landing page, sales funnel, and e-mail list are among the least of major upsells. However, quality sales funnel needs a monthly recurring charge. You can use free versions for some of these tools, but free versions don’t work well.

The sudden closing of Fergal’s previous product: NOT a good sign

Fergal closed his previous product “24 Hour Profits” within only one year, although he claims it was his biggest successful product.

Then why he shut it down instead of polishing it in a better way??!

The reality is, 24 hour Profit was Fergal’s biggest failure (you may say it’s similar to a scam). He already made his profit from that product, and wrapped it up when it started gaining a scam impression; because no one achieved success from his methods in “24 Hour Profit” (It was only 45 minutes course).

So, what’s next? Will Fergal Downes close Empire in a similar way? It’s a big question.

High price: unmatched to the quality of the product

Empire live courses are nothing but only a well-furnished representation of some old methods. In fact, there are many other platforms available in the market teaching similar things.

It’s only a 3 module course, NO tool provided, NO website provided, then why will you have to pay $37 per month?

$37 per month, only for a 3 module training and 1 monthly live training is not acceptable anyway.

I suggest you check out THIS PLATFORM just once; just take a look over the long least of things they are providing in a slightly higher price; In fact, they are providing almost everything you need to run a fulltime online business.

Then why will you pay so much money to Empire Live and how can Fergal ask for?

Yes, $37/month is too much for a platform like Empire. I personally think Empire should be a one-time payment program, the monthly recurring system is not well matched to this program. Even if Fergal Downes asks from monthly payment, the amount should not exceed $5/month.

Is Fergal Downes Empire is a Scam?

In a real sense, Empire by Fergal Downes is not a scam because it simply provides you training courses as per claim. But you should be aware of the barely exposed red flags as mentioned in this Empire review.

You should note 5 vital points before you make a decision:

  • You can’t earn $128+ a day as a newbie within Empire.
  • The methods you’ll learn those works, but you have to grow up your Facebook friend list at least up to 5K.
  • It’s not about only 30 minutes per day work, rather you have to work much harder to get success.
  • Several upsells there inside; you may skip those but those are required.
  • The monthly recurring fee ($37) is too much in comparison to the quality and facilities.

My #No.1 recommendation

I guess you received all the required information from this Empire Live review. Hopefully, now you can decide what to do.

In this section, I come up with a suggestion for you. It’s not mandatory to read out the following part. You can read this section only if you want to get knowledgeable about a better alternative.

(In fact, the following program is not even comparable to Empire live, because it is far better than Fergal’s Empire)

If you are ready to spend $37 per month, then you may add a little more money to your budget and join THIS PROGRAM. You are going to receive far better training and facilities in THIS PLATFORM.

Just check a brief list below:

  • Very in-depth training courses (120+ lessons) covering everything about affiliate marketing.
  • Weekly live webinar for the latest methods.
  • Build up to 50 WordPress websites!
  • 24 x 7 support.
  • All the necessary tools you need to run your business.
  • Membership to an amazingly helpful community.
  • Ready-made solution of almost all types of problems you may face during your online journey.

In general, I refer only this platform to the newbies, and this one is an absolute place to Turn Your Passion into Profit.

And the good news is, you can join this platform as a Starter Member for absolutely FREE of cost, that means NO need to share your credit card info.

Join here instead of Empire by Fergal Downes

So that’s all I had to say in this Empire Review. Hope it helps. If you still have any queries, you can post your question in the comment box below.

Social sharing is highly appreciated as other people get knowledgeable about the real facts.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for the heads up on this because there are so many red flags in the program, Empire by Fergal Downes. The upsells compensate for the small entry price. I appreciate your info on this. All the best.

    1. Dr. SD

      Thank you for your appreciation.
      Yes, there are many red flags in the Empire platform, which newbies overlook in general, because the starting price is very low, that’s only $2.

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